Arizona Arts


The University of Arizona Museum of Art strives to create equitable and meaningful experiences for all visitors to the museum.


The Park Avenue Garage has designated parking spaces near the elevators on the east side of the building. More accessible parking spaces are available in front of Slonaker House located at 1027 E. 2nd Street.

While construction is underway around the museum, the UAMA recommends that visitors use the accessible route highlighted in green on the map below. We also welcome visitors to request our free golf cart service by submitting this form or by calling 520-621-7567. We apologize for the inconvenience!

Updated parking mapoliverdclosure

Service Animals

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, service animals are welcome at the UAMA. Therapy animals, emotional support animals, or comfort/companion animals are not considered service animals under ADA and are not permitted.


UAMA has wheelchairs for use by request, and the building is wheelchair accessible. Please call 520-621-7567 with questions or to reserve one for your visit.


Large-print label booklets and braille label booklets are available for select exhibitions. Request yours at the admissions desk.

EnChroma Glasses

Color blind? EnChroma glasses, which filter light to alleviate the red/green color cone sensitivity overlap that leads to color blindness, are available by request and on a first-come, first-served basis. Please inquire at the admissions desk for more information.

Enchroma logo alternate color rgb2


With questions about access or to request any disability-related accommodations during any museum events, please contact Myriam Sandoval, Visitor and Member Services Lead, at 520-626-2087.

Tours for the Visually Impaired

To help further our mission of making the museum accessible to as many visitors as possible, the UAMA is pleased to offer small groups or individuals tours including rich description and tactile experiences in various locations in the museum. Request a tour by contacting Willa Ahlschwede, Assistant Curator of Education & Public Programs.
